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ChatGPT + Adobe Firefly

After quite a bit of experimenting on my own, I decided to get ChatGPT involved in my Adobe Firefly prompting.

I gave ChatGPT the role of being a senior designer who specializes in creating unique art using AI tools. I asked it to give me prompts to use in creating images using another AI. I also added the goal of showing others what AI generated images that are prompted by ChatGPT can look like.

My idea was to ask ChatGPT to write me a prompt that would invoke different emotions. This is the list of emotions I came up with: happiness, curiosity, fear, love, abandonment, friendship.

Prompt 1: Happiness

Prompt from ChatGPT: “Create an image of a group of colorful, cartoon animals enjoying a picnic in a beautiful, surreal landscape. The animals should be doing different activities, such as playing games, eating food, or simply relaxing in the sunshine. The landscape should be a blend of natural elements, such as trees, mountains, and flowers, and whimsical elements, such as floating islands or rainbow-colored rivers. The overall mood of the image should be joyful and playful, with a sense of wonder and magic”


Image generated by Adobe Firefly based on prompt generated by ChatGPT for Happiness
Image generated by Adobe Firefly based on prompt generated by ChatGPT for Happiness

PROMPT 2: Curiosity

Prompt from ChatGPT: “Create an image of a fantastical library that defies the laws of physics. The library should appear to be an endless maze of books, with towering shelves that stretch up towards a never-ending ceiling. The shelves themselves should be made of unusual materials, such as glass or metal, and should contain books of all shapes and sizes, some with strange symbols or languages that are unreadable. The lighting should be dim, with pockets of illumination that highlight certain areas and objects. In the distance, there should be a faint glow or mysterious door that beckons the viewer to explore further. The overall mood of the image should be one of intrigue and mystery, inviting the viewer to imagine what secrets and knowledge might be hidden within the library’s walls.”


Image generated by Adobe Firefly based on prompt generated by ChatGPT for Curiosity
Image generated by Adobe Firefly based on prompt generated by ChatGPT for Curiosity

PROMPT 3: Fear

Prompt from ChatGPT: “Create an image of a dark, abandoned carnival at night, with rusty rides and eerie circus tents that seem to loom over the viewer. The carnival should be overgrown with weeds and vines, and the once-bright lights should be flickering and casting deep shadows. The sky should be ominous, with dark storm clouds gathering overhead. In the distance, there should be an unexplained, unsettling figure or creature lurking among the shadows, with glowing eyes or some other sign of its malevolence. The overall mood of the image should be one of dread and unease, inviting the viewer to wonder what kind of horrors might be lurking within the carnival’s walls.”


Image generated by Adobe Firefly based on prompt generated by ChatGPT for Fear
Image generated by Adobe Firefly based on prompt generated by ChatGPT for Fear

Prompt 4 Love

Prompt from ChatGPT: “Create an image of a couple sitting on a bench in a serene park, surrounded by a riot of blooming flowers and lush greenery. The sun is shining and birds are singing. The couple should be holding hands, looking deeply into each other’s eyes with expressions of tenderness and affection. Around them, various symbols of love and romance can be seen — heart-shaped balloons, love letters, flowers, etc. In the distance, a romantic landscape such as a mountain range, sunset or seashore can be seen, adding to the romantic ambiance of the scene. The overall mood of the image should be one of warmth, tenderness, and joy, evoking the feeling of being in love.”


Image generated by Adobe Firefly based on prompt generated by ChatGPT for Love
Image generated by Adobe Firefly based on prompt generated by ChatGPT for Love

Prompt 5 Abandonment

Prompt from ChatGPT: “Create an image of an old, deserted amusement park that’s fallen into disrepair. The park should be overgrown with weeds, and the rides and attractions should be rusted and decaying. In the distance, there’s a sense of vast emptiness, suggesting that the park is isolated and abandoned. The overall mood of the image should be one of sadness and melancholy, conveying the feeling of something that was once lively and joyous, now left to decay and be forgotten.”


Image generated by Adobe Firefly based on prompt generated by ChatGPT for Abandonment
Image generated by Adobe Firefly based on prompt generated by ChatGPT for Abandonment

Prompt 6 Friendship

Prompt from ChatGPT: “Create an image of two friends exploring an abandoned city, with overgrown vines and broken buildings surrounding them. Despite the desolation and decay, the friends are shown as joyful and curious, pointing out interesting sights to each other and sharing in the excitement of their adventure. In the distance, there’s a hint of hope or a promise of a new beginning, such as a beautiful sunset or a glimpse of a green oasis. The overall mood of the image should be one of camaraderie and shared experience, inviting the viewer to imagine the beauty of finding friendship in unexpected places.”


Image generated by Adobe Firefly based on prompt generated by ChatGPT for Friendship
Image generated by Adobe Firefly based on prompt generated by ChatGPT for Friendship

Conclusion: I found the results to be quite mixed/interesting, both in the prompt from ChatGPT and the translation by Adobe Firefly. I won’t bore you with my analysis of each image, I’ll let you unravel that on your own.

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